Spa management woodshedding: level up your skills and make yourself more employable
Managing a spa is a highly skilled, complex and demanding job. Many spa managers find themselves struggling to cope with the demands of the job after moving up the ranks very quickly or moving into an area they are not familiar with. However, spa management woodshedding can provide the answer to your problems. It’s […]
Spas and the Treatment of Patients with Cancer
Over the last years, the spa industry has experienced a strong change regarding the way it implements its service offerings. Treatments for patients suffering from cancer are only one approach the spa industry has been considering as an additional option for expanding its services. Although there are still many obstacles to overcome in order […]
Budget Spas: An Interesting Business Opportunity
The current state of the spa industry is creating additional room for the development of budget and low-cost business initiatives within this field. Moreover, taking into consideration past experiences from the airline, hotel and fitness industry, the implementation of budget or low-cost strategies has appeared as an inevitable step for any growing sector. […]