Wellness Business Amplifier
How to create a profitable wellness asset in months… without breaking budget
Are you ready to transform and futureproof your hotel in months with wellness… without cutting edge offerings, grand facilities or highly skilled staff you can’t afford?
Does this sound familiar?
- Your hotel was sent to a screeching halt overnight and your main demographic, business travel, is no longer buying.
- You are an experienced hotelier. You’ve seen terror attacks, natural disasters, economic recessions, but this situation is like nothing you’ve known. Or are you at the other extreme? A young hotelier working up the ranks, suddenly thrown in the captain’s seat without any reference?
- Your priorities are the safety and wellbeing of your staff and guests, and to stay afloat (to basically survive safely!)
- You know you have to pivot, not only to survive these unprecedented times, but to also thrive
- And you know that business travel won’t rebound any time soon
You know you must explore alternative streams of revenue and you recognise that wellness is a great opportunity.
But, rarely is it that simple.
- What should I add? There are so many trending wellness offerings out there you don’t know which one is right for your hotel.
- What expertise will I need? You are not confident you have the right staff to do wellness properly in your hotel.
- How will I get my owner’s buyin? Wellness facilities seem expensive and you don’t have the budget to invest in expensive facilities or expertise.
- Where do I start? You feel lost. You are not sure what you need to do or where to begin.
- Is wellness relevant to my hotel? You have doubts as to whether wellness could really work at your hotel.
If only wellness had a stellar performance track record in hospitality!
You’ve heard all the stories and seen where it has truly gone wrong.
- The experienced wellness director or star therapist leaves and so does the entire wellness concept.
- The continuous stress of keeping up with the latest trends, the cutting edge technology or the state-of-art equipment.
- The dread of spending thousands of dollars a month on a wellness consultant to barely see noticeable results.
- The dilemma of whether to spend your money on wellness facilities that are costly to run but don’t generate any direct revenue or on something that will not guarantee you a financial return on investment.
- The headache of finding the right (and reliable) third-party operator who has the same quality standards to manage the different parts of your wellness operation
Imagine if… There was an easier and sure-fire way.
Imagine if:
- You attracted a more discerning client that was able and willing to spend more for remarkable experiences at your hotel…
- You didn’t need to drop your rates to fill rooms and reach top and bottom line targets….
- You weren’t back to square one when your key personnel moved on…
- You were always one step ahead of competition…
- You had loyal and committed guests who left rave reviews, who couldn’t wait to return and told their 2000+ followers each how great their experience at your hotel was…
- You delivered your owners a healthy return on investment...
Imagine how it would feel like to return to the record earnings pre-pandemic? But this time, by doing things differently.
Wellness as a tool to stand out from the crowd
“Creating a strong wellness concept takes time and preparation and you have to be patient. It’s like losing weight, if you lose it too quickly, it will come back on. But if you do it slowly and properly, you will consolidate your body and your metabolism will change. The ESSENCE methodology does just that. It helps GMs to make thorough preparations, create something genuinely unique, get the right people on board and attract the right audience to truly differentiate your hotel from the rest by using wellness.”Fernando Gibaja, Hotel General Manager – Singapore
The Wellness Business Amplifier is your fast-track to profitability
It is a step by step proven process that shows you how to build a successful wellness offering - from a rough wellness idea to a profitable wellness asset.
NOTE: This is an invite only accelerator for select hoteliers who want to transform and futureproof their business using wellness.
Here’s everything that is included:
- The Launchpad (value: 22.800€)
- The Profits Booster (value: 35.650€)
- Mastermind and accountability group (invaluable)
- Time, money and frustrations saved (invaluable)
- BONUS #1: Concept Stress-Test (value: 1.000€)
- BONUS #2: Best and Worst Case templates (value: 1.500€)
- BONUS #3: Wellness Business Essentials Toolkit (value: 5.000€)
- The Wellness Asset book (value: 17,99€)
Total value = 64.470€
Total investment = 14,997€
Limited offer = 9,997€
Apply now to see if you feel you are a good fit for the wellness business amplifier.
Here’s exactly what you get in the Wellness Business Amplifier
Part One
The Launchpad
4 months
- 90-minute Kick-Off session with Sonal Uberoi, you (the general manager) and your entire executive team so we’re all on board and in the loop, and are aligned on our approach.
- A Deep Dive of your wellness offering, from your concept and offering, to your systems, people and performance. You’ll get a personalised report on how your wellness offering is performing in the 7 key areas of the ESSENCE model and a tailored roadmap with the key actions you can take during the accelerator to build your wellness asset. The Deep Dive takes about a month.
- 90-minute Launchpad Roadmap session with Sonal Uberoi, you (the general manager), your entire executive team and other key team members of your hotel. We’ll go over the tailored roadmap and the actions we’ll be taking to thread wellness thoughtfully throughout the guest experience.
- 3-month step-by-step implementation of the first three stages of my proven ESSENCE model: Expectation, Story and System. There are seven key stages needed to make wellness work, irrespective of the type, size and segment of a hotel (new build, refurbishment or operational). We work on how to create the right wellness concept for your hotel and draft a plan on how to implement it.
- 3 x Live half-day masterclasses with all your executive team and other team members you’d like to join. I understand operations can be hectic and unpredicatble. The accelerator is designed so that you can take steps at your own pace, while also joining the live half-day masterclasses to upskill your team and to gain valuable insights from other industry professionals.
Part Two
The Profits Booster
5 months
- 4-month step-by-step implementation of the next four stages of my proven ESSENCE model: Execution, Navigation, Consistency and Engagement. In Part Two we work on finding the right people to do wellness in your hotel and in creating a profitable wellness asset.
- 4 x Live half-day masterclasses with all your executive team and other team members you’d like to join. These live half-day masterclasses are a great opportunity to further consolidate your and your team’s knowledge and to gain valuable insights from other industry professionals.
- 4 x Live Monthly Boardroom sessions with Sonal Uberoi, you (the general manager) and the entire executive team. The boardroom gets together the key heads of department so we can get into the specifics for each area. We work together to improve the value proposition of your wellness concept, implement the ESSENCE method and to create a profitable wellness asset.
- Anytime access to Sonal Uberoi via email or phone. Each hotel is unique, and so will the problems within each department or area be unique. You and your executive team can access me at any time when you need more personalised feedback on areas that aren’t covered in the live monthly boardroom sessions.
- 2 x 90-minute one-on-one sessions with Sonal Uberoi. It’s important to put into practice the insights learned from the Wellness Business Amplifier. You’ll have two milestone sessions with me to see how your wellness offering is progressing, what is working and what isn’t working so you can take steps right away to steer your concept back on track.
What about the actual nuts-and-bolts of creating a wellness concept?
When you’re a big-picture visionary wearing several hats, sometimes it’s the little stuff that trips you up (like “how do I know this wellness concept is the right one?” or “what tools will make my team's life easier?”).
Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.
Bonus #1
Concept Stress-Test
How do you know your wellness concept is not a Liability or Risk? My Concept Stress-Test ensures you have the right and profitable wellness concept for your hotel, ie. an Asset.
Bonus #2
Ideal, Worst- and Best Case templates
Do you and your team know when the alarm bells should start ringing? I’ve honed my Ideal, Worst and Best Case scenario templates so you know exactly where you stand.
Bonus #3
Wellness Business Essentials Toolkit
Carefully crafted templates, worksheets, activities and checklists to make your life easier instead of having to reinvent the wheel and wasting time creating templates from scratch.
This is for you if...
You are a hotelier of the future who wants to put wellness at the core of your business and create truly remarkable hotels.
You want to be part of shaping the future of the industry and making a lasting impact.
You don’t want to merely survive the current situation; you want to thrive and maintain consistent business levels.
You want to invest time and energy into sustainably adding value to your hotel for years to come.
You’re in this for the long haul. You want to build a track record of stellar performance as a hotelier.
I created the Wellness Business Amplifier for you.
You recognise things have changed and you know you need to evolve and adapt to the new reality. You understand that the brick and mortar business model that got the hospitality industry to where it is today will not get you where you want to go. You want to break-away from the traditional mold whilst still being true to your essence and giving your guests an outstanding experience (while building your stellar track record).
When wellness is put at the core...
Here are some innovative forward-thinking hoteliers who successfully pivoted their businesses during the 2020 pandemic by putting wellness at the core of their business strategy.
Wellness as a tool to create success stories
Applying the ESSENCE principles:
The major pain point for any hospitality consultant is shifting the perspective of investors from looking at wellness as a separate part of operations to viewing it as part of their hotel’s identity. For this resort, Ana’s insistence in ensuring this property developed a strong wellness asset ensured their resilience during the economic hardship brought upon by the 2020 pandemic.
Where other hotels in the region had to shut down because of low volumes, this resort was recording around 60% occupancy rates. It experienced an increase in profitability as more people booked their stay directly with the hotel. Their ADR remained stable; guests were comfortable paying the price because they saw the value they got in return. The resort also enjoyed an overall improvement in market perception and became the go-to destination for authentic Portuguese wellbeing experiences.
“I love that Sonal’s ESSENCE methodology emphasises the hotels’ mission to give holistic wellness to its guests and shows them how to. Without wellness at the centre of the hotel’s identity and culture, there can be no comprehensive hospitality.”
Hospitality consultant, Ana Beatriz - Portugal
“A lot of the new offerings from hotels will be vanilla concepts that don’t cater to what the clients really want. Sonal’s ESSENCE methodology has it right – if you’ve got the core values right, your wellness asset will transform and future proof your hotel.”
Family-owned and run hotel chain, Abedin Sham - India
Wellness as a tool to carve out your own niche
Applying the ESSENCE principles:
An owner and operator of a small hotel chain, Abedin’s case demonstrates how staying true to the essence of your hotel can yield massive returns. The pandemic suddenly cut the hotel’s main source of business. The restrictions on international travel forced the hotel to concentrate on the local market, a completely different market to their pre-pandemic ideal guest.
By studying the market and learning what people truly wanted, Abedin identified an opportunity to set his hotel apart from the rest. Their location was not suited for elaborate spas and fitness facilities, hence they used subtle wellness services that fit into the local guests’ way of life. They sought to make their local market a stakeholder in their offering, and their effort paid off well. A few months into the pivot, the hotel recouped 100% of their principal investment and substantially increased guest satisfaction.
Wellness as a tool for boosting footfall
Applying the ESSENCE principles:
The ESSENCE methodology emphasises putting wellness at the centre of operations in the hotel. Yagna did this literally with a centralised and compact design for the hotel’s wellness facilities. A long-standing myth in hospitality is that wellness represents a small part of the hotel’s profit and loss; in reality, guests expect wellness features to be included in the overall hotel experience. Wellness serves as both a tangible and intangible asset for the hotel.
Yagna’s apt response to new guest expectations propelled them towards a successful pivot into wellness. And the smart approach to start with a small winning concept they could reinvest in creating a wellness asset that future proofs the business.
“We are entering into a very precarious time in our industry where hotels will fight over the same clients as the demand is limited. The ESSENCE methodology created by Sonal is perhaps the most viable alternative that can help hoteliers adapt and pivot into new territory without breaking budget. If it is done right, this could be the best bet to future-proof the industry.”
Owning company, Yagna Prathap - UAE
Why should you listen to me?
Because, not too long ago, I was where you are today trying to figure out how to make money from wellness.
In the last two decades, I’ve personally worked on 40+ projects in 21 countries in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Central America and north Africa. I’ve enjoyed seeing the wellness and hospitality industries grow and I’ve loved being part of these industries from different perspectives. From the bottom learning the ins and outs of operations of standalone facilities in different countries and cultures, being on the ground and spearheading the opening of massive operations, to being at the top in corporate regional and global positions. And lastly, setting up my own boutique consultancy and experiencing a completely different perspective and business reality.
I’ve also registered my own fusion wellness concept: Spa Sommelier, and celebrated the huge success it has had in a landmark property in a region where wellness is not considered worthy of hoteliers’ investment.
I have seen wellness work incredibly well, but the road has not always been that smooth or successful. I have also failed miserably at wellness and felt despair at the missed opportunity. I have tested, tried and learned what works and also what doesn’t work with wellness in hospitality, and refined what works into a proven process.
With the Wellness Business Amplifier, I take you through the seven stages of ESSENCE model and show you the steps you can take right away to create a wellness concept that is not only profitable but adds value to your hotel.
Sonal Uberoi – Founder and Wellness Director
You might be thinking...
That is correct, you are in the hospitality business; and in today’s world, wellness is an integral and essential part of hospitality.
Our guests’ needs have evolved; today’s business and leisure travellers want more than the standard hotel room, decent breakfast and beautiful facilities. Today’s guests want experiences that are fulfilling, memorable and shareable; they want experiences that transform their overall wellbeing, even if it’s in a simple way.
Hospitality is about delivering our guests authentic, holistic and memorable experiences – and the only way this is possible is by meaningfully threading wellness throughtout the entire guest journey.
I can understand that perspective. Wellness doesn’t have a stellar performance record and business travel has been the main demographic for the hotel industry… until now.
The reality is that business travel has substantially changed. Although it will eventually rebound, there is a high probability that by then many business hotels will not survive. The new business traveller will make wellness an important part of their business trip. Wellness is your opportunity to pivot and respond to changing market conditions – and it’s a demographic that is spending more than ever.
As hospitality consultant Ana Beatriz can confirm, the hotels that had a comprehensive wellbeing experience enjoyed higher occupancies and average rates than those that didn’t.
You are worried you will have to convince your owners to invest large sums in building grand facilities when cost-cutting measures are of prime importance.
I, too, used to think that I needed beautiful facilities to make a hotel stand out. However, I learned that you do not need a grand or costly wellness concept to truly stand out. Even the most simple concepts built on a tight budget can be successful and deliver huge profits. It’s all about creating the right concept for your hotel’s reality and implementing it properly.
Wellness isn’t known for its swift return on investment. You’re probably worried it’ll take several years before you can recoup the investment. Well, you’re right. When done wrong, it takes a long time before you can see your return with wellness.
This was exactly Yagna Prathap’s experience, when even after 5-7 years, his company did not see any return on investment on wellness facilities (particularly in luxury hotels). However, he then realised that he could introduce a smaller concept, like a minimal viable offering, test it in the market and once they got results, they could then further invest in expanding the offering.
After the Wellness Business Amplifier, your hotel has a wellness offering that...
- is authentic and relevant
- generates healthy direct and indirect revenues
- easily adapts and responds to changing market conditions
- differentiates your hotel from the rest
- futureproofs your hotel
And here’s what happens to you...
You have a happy, committed and motivated team because they are given the opportunity to shine. They have the framework and tools to craft and deliver landmark experiences.
You have happy guests that leave rave reviews and repeat because their wellbeing problems are solved and they get to live their landmark experiences.
Your investors and owners are happy because they gain healthy returns on investment with your strategy. They trust you and are confident in your ability to create a performance-driven and customer-centric business.
Your hotel becomes a landmark within the community; it becomes a meaningful contributor, not only in terms of economy and employment, but also the social and environmental wellbeing aspects of your wellness asset.
Your life becomes easier. Instead of constantly putting out fires, managing unhappy staff, dealing with broken equipment, outdated facilities and angry guests, you can dedicate your time to the bigger picture, to the things you want and enjoy doing.
Frequently asked questions...
No problem. I understand that we’re living in precarious times and it isn’t always easy to plan. When you start, you first commit to the first 4-month period, that is The Launchpad, where we go over the first three steps of the ESSENCE model. By the end of the 4-month period, you’ll have designed the right wellness concept for your hotel that you can confidently pitch to owners, crafted a winning plan to give your ideal guest what they’re looking for, and created your proprietary way of doing wellness.
You then recommit for the next 5-months where you’ll find the right people to do wellness in your hotel, successfully implement your wellness concept, deliver remarkable wellness experiences consistently and create a truly profitable wellness asset that futureproofs your hotel.
It is a 9-month programme in total with a one-month break to allow you to concentrate on your busy season. Each stage entails approximately 12 hours of creating and implementation time:
- one half-day live masterclass session
- one 2-hour live boardroom session
- 2 hours of building your knowledge base at your time and rhythm, and
- 4 hours of practice and implementation
Yes. Upon commencement of the Wellness Business Amplifier, you’ll be given your own hub with all the relevant material. As we work through each stage of the ESSENCE model, you will be able to access the content at any time. You’ll also enjoy lifetime access to your portal for future team members.
You will be given login access for each of your executive team members so they can learn along the way. However, the live masterclasses, boardroom sessions and mastermind groups are for hotel general managers, hotel managers, owners and investors to ensure we stick to big picture concepts.
Don’t worry. The Wellness Business Amplifier is designed for busy hoteliers like yourself. The recording of the sessions will be sent to you as soon as they are available so you can continue to be in the loop.
You will be sent a link to fill out the ESSENCE scorecard so we can start with your Deep Dive session. The idea behind the Deep Dive is to know where your business is at in the key seven stages so we can keep a closer eye on your weak areas during the Wellness Business Amplifier.
The mastermind and accountability group is for select hoteliers. I go through a careful vetting process to ensure we have a group of like-minded hoteliers who want to use wellness to transform and future-proof their businesses. Apart from learning from me, you will have the opportunity to tap into collective intelligence and run by any thoughts or ideas you have with them.
You will be invoiced for the entire Wellness Business Amplifier before commencement with the following payment options:
Option 1: Total – 9.997€
- 9.997€ paid upfront
Option 2: Total – 10.997€
- Payment 1 – 4.997€ paid upfront
- Payment 2 – 3.000€ paid before month 4
- Payment 3 – 3.000€ paid before month 7
Option 3: Total – 11.497€
- Payment 1 – 3.497€ paid upfront
- Payment 2 – 2.000€ paid before month 2
- Payment 3 – 2.000€ paid before month 4
- Payment 4 – 2.000€ paid before month 6
- Payment 5 – 2.000€ paid before month 8