Spa Balance

31. The Number 1 Mistake Wellness Leaders Make? They Bet on the Wrong Horse

What is the biggest mistake we wellness leaders make with our wellness offering? We bet on the ‘wrong horse’. 

Two decades ago when I started off in the industry, I really didn’t have a clue about what a wellness concept really was, let alone designing a coherent one.

And I wasn’t the only one in that “clueless” boat. Very rarely are we wellness leaders taught how to write a concept. We barely learn how to read a profit and loss (through pure need).

If there is one thing, I’d love to see change in our industry, that would be to teach every wellness leader how to write the right wellness concept for each of the properties they will work.

It is such an important skill. Because the lack of that skill is what is making most wellness offerings in hotels represent a meagre 1-3% of total hotel revenue. And wellness has so much more potential than that.

In this episode I talk about how we wellness leaders can bet on the right horse.

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